About Us
Making the World a Better Place For All of Us

Our Story
RISE Up (Respect, Inclusion, Safety, and Equity) in the Construction Trades was created by Karen Dove, Executive Director of ANEW. ANEW is a nonprofit started in 1980 with the intent to increase the number of women in the construction trades. Since then, ANEW has expanded its reach to recruit underrepresented populations into construction trade careers.
While programs like ANEW are out there promoting the construction trades to underrepresented populations, these populations are not completing their apprenticeship at nearly the same rate as white males. A recent study by Community Attributes Inc. in Seattle, WA collected data on retention rates by gender and race. While the average retention rate by gender at year three was 53%, there were stark differences in retention rates by race.

Our Mission
To shift the culture of construction to one that is inclusive to all people.
Our Values
The act of treating every person with equal value, period. Every person is equal and deserves the same level of care and attention. When everyone feels respected, we become much stronger. In fact, there is no limit to what we can accomplish together.
The act of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, safe and valued to fully participate.
Safety is first, last and always about people. Safety is not only physical, but mental and emotional as well.
The act of developing fair systems, procedures, and resource distribution mechanisms to create equitable opportunity for all people.